
I have devoted myself to the study and analysis of the political phenomenon called "electronic vote manipulation." since this technique has allowed countries as Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Venezuela had changes the elector will, without being detected as a fraud.

I am also a Wood Badge Scout Leader, a photographer, and my skills and unique expertise enable me to work very closely with several Latin American governments through military, IT, Identification (Id), and national, physical, logical, and biometric security area solutions provided to these clients through consulting and multinational corporations. The identity system was fragile and easily forged.

While working in military and Identification contracts in Venezuela right after Hugo Chávez became president in 1998, he faced one of the biggest problems in Venezuelan security, the national identification system and, citizen control the identity system was fragile and easily forged.

The Venezuelan Government at the time requested bids to develop a solution that involved the merger of over 7 very distinct databases and the development of a new SMART National ID document, and other identification ancillary documentation instruments. This project allowed me to travel all over the world in order to assess all the current and promising new technologies, to learn and exchange of knowledge and expertise that I accumulated in over 20 years of work in this area. In the process, I designed various SMART ID solutions for Venezuela, and that also became the standard for other governments.

This journey not only opened the door for more knowledge but also allowed me to see the insides of one of the most corrupt, complex, and dangerous criminal organizations ever devised in our era. The Venezuelan Bolivarian Revolution under Hugo Chavez and now Nicolas Maduro. I was a witness and had to flee Venezuela when I objected to the Cuban involvement in our national security and the Cuban take over of our National Databases, Identification, and Electoral systems. I was forced to leave my home and my country after being kidnapped and tortured by the regime's counter-intelligence forces. The rest is part of the record I have made sure to lay down in order to make sure everyone understood what Chavez, Maduro, and the Castro Regimes did in the colonization of Venezuela and the implementation of a narco-terrorist communist regime. I had the opportunity to meet many of the Chavistas and extreme left elements of the Castro Chavista Regime in Venezuela and in other countries. Thanks to my close relationship with the Venezuelan Army, Air Force, National Guard, and the Justice and Interior Ministries that I built in over 15 years prior to the Castro Chavista rise to power, I was able to collect the information needed to expose the real intentions of that criminal regime.

Time has revealed their criminal actions and their threat is still present today. But I still have the dream and hope to build a new Venezuela, with a model similar to the one in place in the Republic of Singapore, with no political parties involved or affiliated with the international socialist organization (ISO). Thank you for the interest you showed me!

If you want to learn more about me; there are many articles from some of the worlds major newspapers, providing details about my job and responsibility and why I did what I did, to be brave, and to step forward and expose to the media in 2010 the biggest threats that Venezuela brought to the world.

HOW FAR IS 2021?